How to Use WhatsApp Business Auto-Reply Messages

How to Use WhatsApp Business Auto-Reply Messages: WhatsApp Business includes a number of capabilities to assist businesses in connecting with their consumers, answering their questions, and selling their products. WhatsApp’s tools include welcoming messages and away messages.
It is critical to respond to client messages on promptly, as a delayed answer may harm your company’s image. It may be tough to constantly reply to consumers on time if you run a small business. You can use WhatsApp Business’s welcoming message and away message features to make it easier to respond to consumers.

How to Use WhatsApp Business Auto-Reply Messages

What exactly is the greeting message feature?

You can put up a greeting message for when they message you for the first time or after a long hiatus using the greeting message option. This makes people feel welcome without requiring you to respond to each communication promptly

How to Configure a WhatsApp Greeting Message

  • Open the WhatsApp Business app on your phone and select “Settings” from the three-dot menu.
  • Now, select “Business tools” and then “Greeting message” from the menu.
  • Toggle the “Send greeting message” switch on.
  • Now, click the edit option to personalize the greeting message.
  • You can also choose the recipients based on your personal preferences.
  • Now, press the “Save” button.

Message from afar
Another useful function is the away message, which allows you to notify your consumers that you are now unavailable to react. This option can be enabled during non-working hours to notify your customers that they will have to wait a little longer for a response.

How to Configure WhatsApp Away Message

  • Open the WhatsApp Business app on your phone and select “Settings” from the three-dot menu.
  • Now, select “Business tools” and then “Away message.”
  • Toggle the “Send away message” option on.
  • You can now tailor the away message to your specific needs.
  • The timetable can then be adjusted to accommodate your non-working hours.
  • You can pick the recipients for away messages in the same way that you can for greeting messages.

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